The best puppies and kittens doctor.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mi ideal job is relate with what I’m studing actually; the veterinary area.
Work whit small animals such as cats and dogs, is what I want to do in the future. Although my favorite animals are the cats and I would like to specialize in these small felines.
Always I had pet cats and for that reason, I like and know very much from them.
When I was studing another career (before veterinary), I saw kitten and puppies in the street alone and dumped because their irresponsable owners did not want anymore with them. I thought about what I could do for them and for that (and more reasons ) I took the decision of studying veterinary. So I started looking for my dream and my ideal job: To be a best kitten and puppies doctor.
And for accomplish this, I need to study a lot, but finally the effort will be worth.


Miss said...

Mi ideal job is WF relate with what I’m studing actually; the veterinary area.
Work SP whit small animals such as cats and dogs, is what I want to do in the future. Although my favorite animals are the cats and I would like to specialize in these small felines.
Always I had pet cats and for that reason, I like and know very much from them.
When I was SP studing another career (before veterinary), I saw kitten and puppies in the street alone and dumped because their irresponsable owners did not want anymore with them. I thought about what I could do for them and for that (and more reasons ) I took the decision of studying veterinary. So I started looking for my dream and my ideal job: To be a best kitten and puppies doctor.
And for WF accomplish this, I need to study a lot, but finally the effort will be WF worth.

the results will be good I can see that... good luck!
p.s. yo ugot a 6.5